Abstract Art – a visual language

Art is an important part of my life, both when I experience other artist’s work and when I create my own art.

My line of work is a busy one, a life filled with travel, shoots and meetings - and it can often feel stressful. Creating art offers me moments of peace, a chance to find my energy again and express my inner feelings. And in those moments I prefer to focus on creating abstract art, rather than figurative painting or photography.

Abstract art, with its non-representational and unconventional forms, offers freedom to channel my emotions as a visual language that goes beyond the constraints of words.

Each piece I create becomes a visual diary, capturing moments of joy, sorrow, passion, and contemplation. The canvas becomes a mirror reflecting my emotional landscape, allowing me to explore and express the complexities of my inner world.

In this sense, creating art is a very private thing for me. But I hope others can find inspiration from it as well.

Maybe I will exhibit my art at a gallery one day. Who knows?

Bethany xo


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