Evening Routines: a guide to well-being

Daily routines are good for you. It’s proven that routines can help you reduce the build-up of stress, and good well-being routines also provide you with a sense of structure and rhythm. In short: having routines is good for your mental health and happiness.

Physical and mental well-being are closely linked together, and when you take care of your body you take care for your mind as well. Continuity and structure help you keep good routines and grow as a person. So let’s talk about evening routines, your very own moment of peace before going to bed.

To start with, make sure your well-being evening routine isn’t just about removing make up and adding moisturizers. Instead make it a moment to reflect on your day, find strength in caring for yourself and enjoy a quiet moment and wholesome evening with your best friend: yourself.

One important part of my evening routine is to give my face some extra attention. A healthy skin gives you that fresh look with a natural glow, so you should never rush this routine. Let it take time and why not treat your face with some Gua Sha massage (read more about that in this blog post) or a face mask.

Make sure to only use products that you trust. (See some of my favourites in the image gallery below.)

But don’t forget to take care of your soul as well. A good read is always a treat, especially with a cup of tea. Cuddle up in your sofa and enjoy the moment.

Embracing the relaxed vibe of your evening routine is a delightful shift, creating space for tranquility and enjoyment.

Prioritizing self-care before bed is crucial for overall well-being, as it helps unwind the mind, promotes better sleep, and contributes to mental and physical rejuvenation.

Bethany XO


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