Best winged eyeliner hack
You should never rush when doing your makeup. But—hey—we all know that sometimes we’re late for dinner and just need to be quick.
Many of us have our own go-to makeup look, a style we’ve perfected over the years. I prefer a look that adds a fresh glow to my face, and as you probably know, I do love winged eyeliner.
However, achieving perfect winged eyeliner can be challenging when you’re stressed, so I use a little hack that involves tape—electrical tape, or really any kind of tape. Trust me, it works!
First, I naturally start with highlighter and concealer, but then I add the tape at the corners of my eyes, following my lash line. This makes it super easy to get both eyeliner and eyeshadow just right. For eyeshadow, I usually opt for dark brown (because it makes my blue eyes pop) with a hint of shimmer. We all want to glow a little, right? Then I just remove the tape, and the result is... well, flawless!
Next, I add corner eyelashes, which I usually buy from Amazon and cut to get the perfect shape. As for my eyebrows, I used to dye them, but not anymore. However, I think they need to be a little darker to match my tone, so I add some shadow to them.
When it comes to foundation, my favorite brand is Hourglass. I choose the shade depending on the season and occasion. Adding some bronzer is always nice (my favorite is Chanel), but I don’t want heavy coverage on my face.
The secret to great makeup, after all, is making it look effortless and natural. It’s supposed to enhance you, not hide you.
Good luck
Beth xo